BOC-301 Biology and Diversity III (Gymnosperms and Fossils)
BOC-302 Molecular Biology of Plants
BOC-303 Plant Ecology
BOC-304 Plant Physiology
Practical Papers:
BOP-301 Practical Based on Topics Covered in BOC-301 & BOC-302
BOP-302 Practical Based on Topics Covered in BOC-303 & BOC-304
Elective Papers:
Choice – based: Student should select any one course from the following.
BOE-301 Air pollution and Climate Change
BOE-302 Herbal Medicine
BOE-303 Biostatistics
Unit-I: Gymnosperms-I
• Introduction, Distribution, General characters.
• Origin, Evolution and Classification of Gymnosperms (Bierhost).
• Comparison of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.
• Geological rise and fall of Gymnosperms. Economic importance of gymnosperms.
Unit-II: Gymnosperms-II
• Comparative account of habit, anatomy and reproduction of Cycadales: Cycas and Zamia.
• Comparative account of habit, anatomy and reproduction of Ginkgoales: Ginkgo,
• Comparative account of habit, anatomy and reproduction of Coniferales: Pinus, Thuja.
• Comparative account of habit, anatomy and reproduction of Gnetales: Gnetum, Ephedra.
Unit-III: Fossils-I
• Paleobotany – Objectives and Nomenclature.
• Geological timescale.
• Methods of Fossil study, Processes of plant fossilization: Impressions, Petrification.
• Technique of fossil study, factors affecting fossilization, work in fossils in India
Unit-IV: Fossils-II
• Study of morphology, anatomy and evolutionary trends of following groups of fossil plants:
Psilophytales, Lepidodendrales.
• Study of morphology, anatomy and evolutionary trends of following groups of fossil plants:
Calamitales, Filicales.
• Study of morphology, anatomy and evolutionary trends of following groups of fossil plants:
• Study of morphology, anatomy and evolutionary trends of following groups of fossil plants:
Cycadales, Coniferales, Bennettitales, Pentoxylales, Cordiatales.
Laboratory Work Based on Topics Covered in BOC-301
1. Study of the morphology and anatomy of vegetative and reproductive parts of Cycas, Zamia,
Pinus, Thuja, Gnetum, Ephedra.
2. Study of important fossil gymnosperms with Models, permanent slides, specimens and charts
as per theory syllabus- Psilophytales, Lepidodendrales, Calamitales, Filicales,
Pteridospermales, Cycadales, Coniferales, Bennettitales, Pentoxylales, Cordiatales.
3. Geological Time scale using chart.
• Nucleic Acids: Introduction, Components, Chemical Structure of DNA, Forms of DNA
and types of RNA and their functions.
• DNA Replication in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Enzymes involved in Replication.
• Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; RNA Polymerases.
• Translation: Process of Protein synthesis.
• Regulation of gene expression in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
• Proteomics and Proteome: Overview of analytical proteomics, protein digestion
techniques, mass spectrometers for protein.
• Application of proteomics: Protein expression profiling, identifying protein-protein
• Human Genome Project.
• Recombinant DNA technology and Restriction Endonuclease (Types, Source and
• Gene Cloning principles and technique; Choice of Vectors (Plasmid, Cosmid,
Bacteriophage, Phasmid, Shuttle, Yeast and Expression vectors).
• Construction of Genomic and cDNA libraries.
• Southern and Northern Analysis.
• DNA synthesis and sequencing.
• PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).
• DNA Fingerprinting (RFLP, RAPD, AFLP).
• DNA Microarray.
Laboratory Work Based on Topics
Covered in BOC-302
1. To prepare standard curve of DNA.
2. Extraction and quantitative analysis of DNA by spectrophotometric method.
3. To prepare standard curve of RNA.
4. Extraction and quantitative analysis of RNA by spectrophotometric method.
5. Separation and analysis of proteins by SDS-PAGE.
6. Isolation of plant DNA using standard extraction method.
7. Estimation and analysis of DNA/RNA by Agarose gel Electrophoresis.
8. Demonstration of models and techniques as per theory syllabus by charts/ models/ photographs.
Note: Chemicals and kits for conducting some of the above molecular biology experiments are available in
India, for example from M/s Bangalore Genei, and Centre for Biotechnology (CSIR), Mall Road, Delhi.
Climate, soil and vegetation patterns of India.
Phytogeography and major biomes of the world.
Vegetation organization: Concepts of community; analysis of communities (analytical
and synthetic characters); interspecific associations, concept of ecological niche.
Vegetation development: Temporal changes (cyclic and non-cyclic); mechanism of
ecological succession, changes in ecosystem properties during succession.
Ecosystem organization: Structure and functions; Production (primary & secondary).
Measurement of primary productivity (harvest & leaf area index).
Types of ecosystem: Natural and artificial ecosystems.
Energy dynamics (trophic organization, energy flow pathways (Single & Y - shaped),
ecological efficiencies; litter fall and decomposition, climatic factors (light,
temperature, wind, precipitation).
Global biogeochemical cycles of C, N, P and S, mineral cycles (pathways &
Biological diversity: Concept and levels; role of biodiversity in ecosystem functions
and stability; speciation and extinction.
IUCN categories of threat; distribution and global patterns; terrestrial biodiversity hot
Air, water and soil pollution: Kinds; sources; quality parameters; effects on plants and
• Climate change: Greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs: sources, trends and role);
ozone layer and ozone hole; consequences of climate change (CO2 fertilization, global
warming, sea level rise, UV radiation).
• Ecosystem stability: Concept, ecological perturbations (natural and anthropogenic)
and their impact on plants and ecosystems; ecology of plant invasion;
environmental impact assessment; ecosystem restoration.
• Ecological management: Concepts; sustainable development; sustainability indicators.
Laboratory Work Based on Topics Covered in BOC-303
• Ecological apparatus: Soil thermometer, Sling psychrometer, Abney’s meter,
Minimum and Maximum thermometer, Cup-anemometer, Flame photometer.
• Phytosociological study:
a. Determine the minimum size of quadrate.
b. Determine the minimum number of quadrate.
c. Determine the quantitative characters of plant community by random quadrate
method (Density, Abundance, Frequency and Basel cover).
d. Preparation of frequency diagram of plant community.
e. Evaluation of life form classes of local flora and preparation of Biological
• Biomass and Productivity:
a. Estimation of above and below ground biomass.
b. Measurement of leaf area index.
• Soil analysis (Physical and Chemical characters):
a. Determine the soil moisture content by oven drying method.
b. Estimation of texture by soil sieve method.
• Determine the water holding capacity of different type of soil.
a. Electro conductivity of soil.
b. Calculation of phosphorus, potassium, Nitrogen and pH from the soil.
c. Determine the Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Phosphorus in plant/ash material.
• Water analysis (Physical and Chemical characters)
a. Determine the Calcium, Chloride, Total Hardness and pH from water.
b. Determine the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
from water.
UNIT-I: Growth and Development
Seed germination and seedling growth: Introduction, Physiological aspects of germination,
mobilization of food reserve during germination, hormonal control, Seedling growth, Factors
affecting seed germination.
Latent Life Dormancy: Introduction to Seed dormancy, Types, Causes and overcoming of seed
dormancy, factors affecting seed dormancy.
Bud Dormancy: Introduction, causes and factors affecting bud dormancy.
Senescence: Introduction, metabolic Changes associated with senescence and its regulation,
Influence of Hormones and Environmental Factors on Senescence.
UNIT-II: Mineral Transport and Stress
Membrane transport and translocation of water and solutes: Mechanism of water transport
through xylem, root microbe interactions in facilitating nutrient uptake, Phloem loading and
Unloading, Passive and active solute transport.
Mechanism of absorption, regulation and transport of Macronutrients (K, P) and Micronutrients
(Zn, Fe) in Plant.
Stress physiology: Plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress, Physiological effects and
mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance.
Water deficit and drought resistance, salinity stress, freezing and heat stress, oxidative stress.
UNIT-III: Photo-physiology
Photosynthesis: General concepts and historical background, Photosynthetic Pigments systems
and Light harvesting Complexes, Photo oxidation of water, Photophosphorylation and
Mechanism of electron and proton transport and energy changes during light reaction.
Carbon assimilation mechanism - The Calvin cycle / C3 Cycle, C4 Cycle, CAM Pathway,
Photorespiration and its significance.
Respiration: Overview of plant respiration, Glycolysis, the TCA cycle, electron-transport and
ATP synthesis, Pentosephosphate pathway, Glycoxylate cycle.
Sensory Photobiology: History and discovery of Phytochromes and Cryptochromes and their
Photochemical and Biochemical Properties
Unit: III
Nitrogen fixation, nitrogen and sulphur metabolism: Overview, biological nitrogen fixation,
nodule formation and non-factors, mechanism of nitrate uptake and reduction, ammonium
assimilation, sulfate uptake, transport and assimilation.
Plant growth regulators and elicitors: Physiological effects and mechanism of action of auxins,
gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid, hormone receptors, single transduction and gene
Unit: IV - Plant hormones and flowering
Plant Growth Regulators and Elicitors: Introduction, Types of hormones, natural and synthetic hormones,
application of hormones.
Structure, Physiological Effects and Mechanisms of Action of Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins,
Ethylene, Abscissic Acid. Physiological Effects and metabolism of Brassinosteroides, Polyamines.
Hormone Receptors, Signal Transduction and Gene Expression.
The Flowering Process: Photoperiodism, types and its significance, Floral Induction and Development,
Laboratory Work Based on Topics Covered in BOC-304
Major Experiment:
1. Determination of IAA/ IAA Oxidase activity.
2. Estimation of Sugar, Protein, Amino acid content from control and stressed seeds.
3. Extraction and estimation of plant pigments in young and old leaves.
4. Estimation of chlorophyll a and b from C3 and C4 plants.
Minor Experiment:
1. Separation of Plant pigments by using separation funnel/Chromatography.
2. Seed germination under different light, temperature and hormone treatments.
3. Determination of seed survival under salinity.
4. Seed germination studies using different mineral ions.
General experiments:
1. Seed viability, seed vigor study and seed leach ate Study.
2. Study growth indices: RGR, NAR, LWR and LAL.
3. Effect of seed soaking with different PGRs on seed germination and seedling growth.
4. Demonstration of leaf senescence by ABA and Kinetin.
1. Promotion and inhibition of seed germination as affected by red and Far- red radiation.
2. Avena Coleoptiles curvature test.
3. Effect of apical bud removal and auxins on lateral bud growth.
4. Translocation of floral hormone.
5. Corn leaf showing Kranz anatomy.
6. Clinostat apparatus.